Welcome to Year 5 - Blackthorn Class

Welcome to Year 5, known as Blackthorn Class.


In Blackthorn class, we are looking at some fascinating subjects this year, such as The Anglo-Saxons, Earth and Space, The Vikings and many more. We are also reading a wide variety of texts throughout the year.


Our class author is Anthony Horowitz and our classic text that we will be reading will be The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.


In Year 5, we have high expectations that pupils take responsibility for their attitude and effort towards learning, both in and out of school. We aim to be our best selves and to become more independent. Year 5 will be role models to younger students in the school and need to lead by example.


Year 5 is a challenging year, preparing the pupils for Year 6 and to then leave for secondary education. We aim to make learning fun for everyone, challenge ourselves and treat each other with respect.


Blackthorn Class Key People

Mrs A Pitchfork and Mr R Mayes - Class Teachers

Mrs A Butler - Teaching Assistant

Current learning

will appear hear

Home Learning

We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week and record this in their reading diary, which needs to be signed.

Children will be given spellings on a Friday to learn for the week.

Any other homework given, whether this be related to maths, topic or any other subject, will be given on a Friday.


Things to remember

Tuesday PE kit
Thursday Guitars    
Friday PE kit


Our Spellings 

EYFS & Key Stage 1 Spellings

Year 3 Spellings

Year 4 Spelling plus...